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Day 1


Arrival in Rome, meeting with the guide and guided tour of the city: Piazza Navona, the Pantheon the exterior of
Montecitorio, the Trevi Fountain, Piazza di Spagna and the Church of Trinità dei Monti with its famous staircase, continuation of the visit of the exterior of the Colosseum, Fori Imperiali, the Arch of Constantine and Piazza Venezia dominated by the imposing Vittoriano monument celebrating the Unification of Italy.

Day 2


Breakfast at the hotel, meet your guide and visit the interior of the Colosseum: Named by the ancient Romans, "Anphitheatrum Flavlum" (Flavian Amphitheatre), the Colosseum is the most famous and imposing monument of Ancient Rome, as well as the largest amphitheatre in the world. The name is certainly linked to the large size of the building but derives, above all, from the fact that there was a colossal bronze statue of Nero nearby. Free lunch, free time, in the evening transfer to the hotel, dinner and overnight stay.

Day 3


Breakfast at the hotel and departure for a visit to the Ostia Antica archaeological site: one of the most important archaeological sites in the world, the Ostia Antica excavations. A tourist destination that rivals the infamous Pompeii and Herculaneum in beauty, size and state of preservation. The Baths of Neptune will surprise you with the largest preserved mosaic in Ostia, while the Theatre, together with the piazzale delle Corporazioni, constitutes one of the city's most impressive complexes. In front of the three splendid marble masks reproducing those used by actors, we will discuss the theme of entertainment and amusements in antiquity. The guided tour will then illustrate the main types of housing in the city: you will discover rich patrician domus such as that of Cupid and Psyche. Free lunch, free afternoon on the Ostia coastline. Return to the hotel, dinner and overnight stay.

Excursions in Nature :

Trekking in the Circeo National Park : The Circeo National Park and UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. The Circeo is a jewel of sustainability and a must for nature and sea lovers.

Excursion to the Garden of Ninfa : The Garden of Ninfa, built on the ruins of the medieval city of Ninfa, in the Pontine countryside near Latina, has been ranked by the New York Times as one of the most beautiful and romantic gardens in the world. Declared a Natural Monument by the Lazio Region, the garden, given its delicate environmental balance, can only be seen on certain days of the year, but the beauty of this place is absolutely worth a visit.

Itinerari della Memoria : A series of walking itineraries on the sites of the Nazi-Fascist occupation and the Resistance in Rome - Rastrellamento del Ghetto A walking itinerary that retraces the dramatic events of Rome's Jewish community, from the promulgation of the racial laws in 1938 to the terrible period of the 9 months of the German occupation, from the episode of the gold of Rome to the Fosse Ardeatine, with a special focus on an event that marked the history of the community and the entire city: 16 October 1943, the day of the rounding up of Rome's Jews.

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