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Giorno 1

Panoramic City Tour :

Arrival in Turin, meeting with the guide and tour of the city: Turin is a city with a thousand facets, the ancient capital of the Savoy kingdom with a regal appearance, the cradle of the Risorgimento and the scene of great historical events for Italy, an industrial city that has been able to reinvent itself, a centre of innovation and a city of artistic and cultural experimentation. Visit to the historic centre. Free lunch, free afternoon, transfer to hotel, dinner and overnight stay.

Giorno 2

Egyptian Museum

Breakfast at the hotel and guided tour of the Egyptian Museum, the second most important collection of objects in the world after Cairo. The Egyptian Museum in Turin has thousands of artefacts that were brought in at the beginning of the 20th century. The museum displays mummies, statues, ampullae and objects of daily life from Deir and Medina. Free lunch. Transfer to the hotel, dinner and overnight stay.

Giorno 3

Mauto- Automobile Museum

Breakfast at the hotel and visit to the Automobile Museum in Turin: With more than 200 original cars of 80 different makes, the museum recounts the evolution of the automobile from a means of transport to a cult object. It is one of the most famous technical-scientific museums in the world. The museum has been included by the British newspaper The Times in the classification of the 50 best in the world - it is spread over three floors and is an emotional journey among vintage and dream cars, important prototypes and iconic models, while in the background songs from the 1960s and the roar of Formula One engines resound.

Hiking in Nature :

From Uresso to Croveo the land of witches
Loop trail to 'seek the cool' among history, traditions, legends and nature.
Baceno and Croveo are known not only for their scenic and geological beauty, but also for the witchcraft trials that led some women from these places to the stake.

Excursion to the Lagoni di Mercuraco Nature Park: The beautiful nature area, protected since 1980, covers 473 hectares and includes the Mercurago peat bogs, some pastures dedicated to the breeding of thoroughbred horses and many wooded plots. You can ride horses, run, cycle or skate. The extensive network of trails will allow you to calibrate the intensity and duration of the route according to your needs and requirements. 

Historical routes :

Via Francigena : we will retrace one of the many stages of the Via Francigena: one of the most important itineraries for Italy in the Middle Ages, linking Canterbury (England) to Rome . This itinerary was mainly on foot and carried within it a fundamental devotional aspect: the pilgrimage to the Holy Places of the Christian religion. The poles of attraction were: Rome, site of the martyrdom of Saints Peter and Paul; Santiago de Compostela (Spain) where the Apostle Saint James had chosen to rest in peace and Jerusalem in the Holy Land)

Industrial archaeology: an itinerary through ancient factory buildings, hydroelectric power stations, paper mills, wool mills over the centuries have been sources of work and wealth for entire territories. The heritage of industrial archaeology in Piedmont is vast and full of suggestions and routes to discover. From gold mines to wool and cotton mills, from the various mill systems that powered the factories, from the furnaces to the quarries.